Located between the M6 and M40 motorways, close to Kenilworth and around 6 miles south of Coventry close to the A46.
Using Sat Nav? Please use this postcode: CV8 2LH and make sure that you follow the AA road signs to find the main entrance to the site.
Once your satnav has brought you to the NAEC Stoneleigh, follow the signs for the Jaguar Spares Days event.
There is plenty of parking spaces, which means less time searching for a spot and more time enjoying your day.
If you are using Sat Nav, please use this postcode: CV8 2LH and make sure that you follow the AA road signs to find the main entrance to the site. Once your sat nav has brought you to the NAEC Stoneleigh, follow the signs for the Jaguar Spares Day event.